Online Services you should try out for yourself

I saw a couple of interesting products on the net a while ago. As usual, there are lots of things happening in different online communities. What caught my attention was these three things, Competitious, Slideshare and My own search engine, you read it right(*ahem*)!
That is not really my own Search Engine(duh!), just thought it would be cool to fool your less internet savvy friends saying "look my own Search Engine".
Competitious is a site dedicated to tracking your competitions activities. Clippings on sites you regard as competition will be shown to you once you are logged in. Theoretically, it would be a great way to keep tabs on the competition, I just signed up minutes ago, I'll just make a review on it when I have played with it for a while.
Slideshare is a youtube like interface wherein you can share your powerpoint presentations and Open Office presentations. However it is still not available for the public but there is a form to get "early" invites. Basically that is how you get access to it, unless someone you know who is already in invites you. Any available invites there? :D
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